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8月. 5, 2022


和记棋牌娱乐’s 校董会 during its regular meeting Thursday took another step in its process to find the institution’s next president by approving individuals who will serve on the University’s search committee.

该委员会由15人组成,他们代表了不同的西北利益相关者群体. 除了在董事会6月会议上选出的董事之外-约翰·摩尔, 杰森Klindt, Roxanna Swaney和Mel Tjeerdsma -遴选委员会将包括:  

  • Peter Adam, an assistant professor of biology and Northwest’s 2021-22 Faculty Senate president
  • 和记娱乐ios会董事会主席艾利森·阿特金森说
  • 农业科学学院院长罗德·巴尔说
  • 雷莎·巴里,西北基金会董事会主席
  • Tyrone Bates, vice president of the Northwest 校友 Association’s Black 校友 and Friends Chapter
  • 赛琳娜领班, office manager for Northwest Auxiliary Services and chair of the University’s Staff Council
  • Carl Hughes,西北基金会董事会成员
  • 丹尼·梅里尔,玛丽维尔市议会成员
  • 伊丽莎白·莫塔泽迪是西北学生会主席
  • 吉娜·史密斯, 和记棋牌娱乐健康科学与健康学院办公室经理, 工作人员委员会秘书和西北基金会董事会成员
  • 麦特沃克, director of Northwest’s School of Communication and Mass Media and an assistant football coach from 2019 to 2021

董事会上个月选择了Anthem Executive, a Houston-based search firm to assist the institution with recruiting its next president.

Moore said Thursday that the firm will visit Northwest’s Maryville campus on Monday, 8月. 8月22日和8月22日星期二. 23, 举办一系列的会议,让学生, 雇员及校友团体, 等, to provide input about the search and characteristics the University should seek in presidential candidates. 有关会议的其他详细信息, 其中还包括为居住在玛丽维尔以外的个人提供的Zoom会议, 会在未来几天公布吗.

摩尔表示,董事会预计将在9月9日的股东大会上敲定一份候选招股说明书. 8 meeting, launching a months-long process to attract and recruit presidential candidates. 摩尔还计划组织公开会议, 通过放大, as a way to communicate with interested individuals about the process and gather additional input.

“We obviously recognize how important this search is to the success of this University, and we intend to go about it in full recognition of that and give it everything that it deserves so that we’re successful with it,摩尔说.


In his first public report to the Board since becoming Northwest’s interim president on July 1, Dr. Clarence Green discussed his work during his first month in the office and his goals for the upcoming academic year.

格林说,他已经与许多校园接触过, regional and state groups to maintain communication and gain an understanding of issues impacting the University. 另外, he regularly attended Summer Orientation Advisement and Registration (SOAR) sessions to interact with incoming students and their families, making sure they are having a positive experience as they become familiar with the Northwest campus.

“What I’ve learned in these 30 days is that there are a lot of people who are really excited about Northwest and even where we’re headed,格林说. “他们对和记棋牌娱乐面前的这个机会感到兴奋. What that makes me know is that Northwest is a special place that truly produces special people. 我真的很兴奋能有机会为大家服务, 但我也很荣幸能成为和记棋牌娱乐的临时总裁.”


Regents unanimously approved proposals to move forward on repairs at the Thomas Gaunt House as well as improvements to the University’s stormwater management infrastructure. 

的 Board first authorized Green and Vice President of Finance and Administration Stacy Carrick to execute a contract for structural and interior repairs at the Gaunt House, 估计要花325美元,000.

While deterioration resulting from water infiltration and structural deficiencies comprise the majority of the needed repairs, interior aesthetic repairs also are needed to prepare the house for occupancy by Northwest’s next president, 卡里克告诉摄政.

家, 位于校园的南缘, was built during the 1870s and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. 它曾是西北地区历届总统的官邸, though Green and his family are not residing at the house during his interim appointment.

Regents also authorized Green and Carrick to execute a contract not exceeding $3 million with a bidder for the purpose of improving the campus’s stormwater infrastructure. 的 work is contingent on the award of a State of Missouri American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Water Infrastructure Community Grant for which Northwest has applied in partnership with the city of Maryville. 这笔补助金将支付80%的费用.

通过与市政府的联合申请, the ARPA grant program provides an opportunity to address stormwater concerns on the campus and enhance drainage capacity as the water moves downstream into the city’s collection network. 卡里克告诉摄政 the improvements would dramatically reduce flooding on the campus and better align with proposed stormwater connections in the city.



  • 批准的候选人在和记棋牌娱乐暑期课程期间完成学位.
  • Approved the appointments of five full-time faculty for teaching during the 2022-23 year and 125 adjunct faculty for teaching during the fall semester. 教务长博士. Jamie Hooyman noted that 21 of the adjunct roles are being filled by full-time Northwest staff members who have expertise in the courses they will teach and are doing so as an addition to their staff responsibilities.
  • 批准了一份约2美元的合同.500万美元 西北区域专业发展中心 以及2022-23年密苏里州中小学教育部. 资金支持工资, 好处, 地区和国家要求的旅行, 设备, 中心工作人员的材料和用品, 它支持密苏里州西北部的59个学区.
  • 批准执行一项为期三年的合同, 不超过400美元,000, for recruitment and admissions customer relationship management (CRM) software to replace the University’s current system. 向董事会提交提案, Hooyman said the new system will include technology integrations to enhance recruitment and admissions processes as well as create operational efficiencies for the University.

校董会 is responsible for sound resource management of the University and determining general, 教育和财政政策.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

